Marble Racing Pre-Alpha


I’m working on a game and decided to show a Pre-Alpha version to the world to get feedback on the idea.
The game is Marble Racing and it simply lets you put a bet on a marble that you think will win the race. Then you can sit back and watch the chaos :slight_smile:
For Pre-Alpha the game is in flash and I will see how that works. Finally probably I’m going to target windows, android and ios. Maybe linux and macos but that’s not certain yet.
The game is made with OpenFL and Nape Physics.

Ok here you go, have fun and please let me know what you think:


Wow, cool game (or simulation). :slight_smile:

i cant try it now but the idea is great!! i was looking for a game like this by nearly a year!! thanks!

Thanks guys. I’m glad that you like the idea. I have received many different opinions on it so currently I’m trying to figure out which way should the project go.