Loader doesn't work for HTML5 any tips?

Hello fellas, i’m using this code to load an image from the web:

var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest( "https://www.google.com.br/images/branding/googlelogo/2x/googlelogo_color_120x44dp.png" );
var ldr = new Loader();
ldr.load( url );
addChild( ldr );

It works fine on windows, neko and flash but it doesnt load on html5, i tried putting some events like onload on complete on error and i get nothing at all, it just doesnt load.

I tried everything, can someone help me?

Hello there!

Please check for “Same-origin policy”. I believe that, in the long run, the Loader for the html5 targets becomes Javascript code. As such, it is not allowed to load external (other domain) resources.

How do i do that? Loader Info?

The server needs headers to allow access, such as:

Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true

you are loading from different domain , which causes cross-origin policy issue.
You need to load image from same domain your application is or add header to file (server) you are loading from:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *