Lime test windows is exporting asset files and lime.ndll, but psychengine.exe is nowhere to be found. How do I make it export the exe file?

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In the future, please copy and paste the text of your error messages instead of posting screenshots. There are many reasons why that’s better. Probably most importantly, it helps others find this thread with a search engine, if they are having the same issue. They might be able to add more context, if the issue isn’t resolved yet. Or, if someone has posted a solution, they can be helped without starting a new thread.

FNF-PssyncEngine-0.7.3\source\import.hx:47: characters 8-29 : Type not found : flixel.sound.FlxSound

It appears that you either don’t have Flixel installed, or something is missing from your Flixel installation. I recommend removing Flixel and reinstalling it. Make sure that you have the correct version of Flixel that PsychEngine requires. I recall that PsychEngine has very specific requirements for a number of dependencies. You may not necessarily be able to use different versions without changing the PsychEngine code.

source/psychlua/HScript.hx:317: characters 89-96 : Type not found : TeaCall

This appears to be a common issue people run into with PsychEngine. I recommend putting this error message into your favorite search engine for more details, but this thread is probably a good starting point:

Hey so, i have the same problem. the exe will not create but it has different errors. i didnt mess with the mouse stuff yet its still not compiling the exe.

Warning: Ignoring unknown fps=""
------------------------SScript 7.7.0 Macro------------------------
Special Thanks:

  • CrowPlexus

Checking version…
There was an error getting the latest version info, you may not have internet connection.

source/states/editors/CharacterEditorState.hx:927: characters 17-29 : flixel.input.mouse.FlxMouse has no field pressedRight
source/psychlua/FunkinLua.hx:651: characters 25-42 : flixel.input.mouse.FlxMouse has no field justPressedMiddle
source/psychlua/FunkinLua.hx:653: characters 25-41 : flixel.input.mouse.FlxMouse has no field justPressedRight
source/psychlua/FunkinLua.hx:661: characters 25-38 : flixel.input.mouse.FlxMouse has no field pressedMiddle
source/psychlua/FunkinLua.hx:663: characters 25-37 : flixel.input.mouse.FlxMouse has no field pressedRight
source/psychlua/FunkinLua.hx:671: characters 28-46 : flixel.input.mouse.FlxMouse has no field justReleasedMiddle
source/psychlua/FunkinLua.hx:673: characters 28-45 : flixel.input.mouse.FlxMouse has no field justReleasedRight

Press any key to continue . . .

If a compiler error says that field or type from flixel is missing, the most likely cause is that you have the wrong version of flixel installed.