Lime setup android error: chmod: ~/.android: No such file or directory

When I run “sudo lime setup android” I eventually get the following error:

~/.android: No such file or directory
Uncaught exception - Error running: chmod -R 777 ~/.android []

This error happens right after the Android SDK Manager installs the packages then closes.

here is the whole log.

  Install tools/android
  Install tools/emulator-mips
  Install tools/emulator
  Install tools/emulator64-mips
  Created tools/systrace/
  Install tools/systrace/script.js
  Install tools/systrace/
  Install tools/systrace/style.css
  Install tools/systrace/NOTICE
  Install tools/systrace/LICENSE
  Install tools/systrace/AUTHORS
  Install tools/emulator64-arm
  Install tools/uiautomatorviewer
  Install tools/NOTICE.txt
  Install tools/ddms
  Created add-ons/
Launching the Android SDK Manager to install packages
Please install Android API 16 and SDK Platform-tools
Waiting for process to complete...
chmod: ~/.android: No such file or directory
Called from ? line 1
Called from CommandLineTools.hx line 1673
Called from CommandLineTools.hx line 24
Called from a C function
Called from CommandLineTools.hx line 99
Called from CommandLineTools.hx line 1688
Called from utils/PlatformSetup.hx line 407
Called from utils/PlatformSetup.hx line 417
Called from utils/PlatformSetup.hx line 786
Called from a C function
Called from lime/tools/helpers/ProcessHelper.hx line 172
Called from lime/tools/helpers/ProcessHelper.hx line 242
Uncaught exception - Error running: chmod -R 777 ~/.android []

Try and install current versions of the Android NDK and SDK manually, then run lime setup android and say “n” when it asks if you want to install it, and it should prompt for the path where it is installed. Enter the location of where you installed them, then try to do Android builds

Hi, thanks for the reply. I attempted what you mentioned. When I try to build afterwards with “lime build android -v -debug” I get this error:

Error: Source path "/Users/marcrenaud/Documents/Repositories/cat/lime/ndll/Android/" does not exist

If you are working from source, run lime rebuild android once you have paths to your Android NDK and SDK configured :slight_smile: