Jumping game released!

i released jump game!
it was made using haxe, openfl and haxeflixel.

Flash: https://sites.google.com/site/picopoly/product/pudding/flash
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ja.picopoly.pudding2k

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Looks interesting. I have some feedback:

  • The background clashes with the artsy style of the sprites
  • The instructions should also probably appear in-game. Since the HTML page has Japanese, I didn’t even see instructions until later.
  • The controls are not precise enough. Sometimes, the mouse is far off from the sprite or the center of the screen, but the character still doesn’t turn/move.

It’s also quite forgiving. You have to fall quite far before you die :smile:

thanks for your reply!

i uploaded new version.

The instructions should also probably appear in-game. Since the HTML page has Japanese, I didn’t even see instructions until later.

sorry, this game had japanese language data only. the instruction guide was also japanese.
new version can select english mode.

there are several other fixes.