Issues After Upgrading to OpenFL 9.4.0 & Lime 8.2.0

Hi OpenFL Community,

First of all, thank you to the team for the continued development of OpenFL. I appreciate the effort that goes into maintaining and improving the framework.

Today, I tried to upgraded my project to OpenFL 9.4.0 and Lime 8.2.0 and encountered several significant issues with rendering graphics. Below are some examples and details.

Toggling brand new announced flag openfl_enable_experimental_update_queue had no effect on these issues.

Target: html5-canvas

1. Splash screen.
<library path="assets/preloader.swf" id="uiPreloader" generate="true" preload="false"/>

OpenFl 9.3.4.
Everything displays correctly across browsers, both mobile and desktop.

OpenFl 9.4.0.
Rendered incorrectly in all tested browsers: Android Chrome, Samsung Browser, Desktop Chrome, and Firefox.

2. One of the App screens.

OpenFl 9.3.4.
Everything renders as expected.

OpenFl 9.4.0.

  • The coin (SVG with gradients) is shrunk in all browsers. Other SVG are okay.
    <haxelib name="svg" version="1.1.3" />
  • Dividers are partially cut off on Android mobile browsers.
  • iOS hasn’t been tested yet.

I hope my case will contribute to debugging the new rendering system.

With best regards,

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I did notice one thing at the toggle intterface of FeathersUI after the update. Look at the picture below. I’m also using html5 export but with webgl.


It doesn’t quite look to me like the coin has shrunk, but that only the symbol in the middle of the coin is rendered correctly. Similar to the dice in your preloader, part of the coin’s fill appears to be missing.

If you could share the coin svg or the dice from the preloader with me, I’d like to try to reproduce the issue on my own devices so that I can investigate further. Thanks!

Thanks for your response. Just PMed to you with the link

I can reproduce the issue with the golden-coin-icon.svg file that you sent me privately.

I bisected to this commit:

It appears that the commit has accidentally modified the behavior of SpreadMethod.PAD, even though it primarily was meant to implement the other SpreadMethod values. I’ll make sure that this gets fixed in the next update to OpenFL.

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The following commit to OpenFL should fix the issues with both the golden-coin-icon.svg and preloader.swf files that you shared with me. Sorry about that!

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Thanks for the prompt action. I will definitely try to build with this patch at the end of the week and let you know.

This patch solves the issue with gradients. Thanks for prompt reaction.

Other things are okay with the new versions of lime and openfl. Seems that with or without the openfl_enable_experimental_update_queue flag everything works as expected.