Is it possible that an Open Fl output may show different behavior on two different versions of same browser?

Is it possible that an Open Fl output may show different behavior on two different versions of same browser?
Because say, there has been some difference in html5 rendering on the two versions ?
Or does OpenFl, does not get affected by it ?

Generally, I’m not aware of issues like this.

The only thing I’m aware of is that we use JS typed arrays, which are not supported in the old Android 2.3 browser, so I’m thinking of a workaround to help provide support there, or maybe we assume we just target newer devices.

Generally the HTML5 target should be consistent and stable across most all browsers

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Ok, got it. Thanks for your inputs.

According to the Android Dashboard, as of December 1st, 10% of users use Android 2.3 or earlier. It would be a shame to exclude them.

If you can nail sound differences, those tend to be pain points from browser to browser. Canvas/WebGL seem pretty reasonable and usually work.

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