Problems encountered when using the Swf library: Is this line of code working properly? I found that its implementation is empty, and after calling this, the memory is not reduced. If I use Assets.unloadLibrary, it will cause me to not load next time. What am I missing?
I believe we should be preloaded resources when an asset library is loaded, unloading should remove it from openfl.utils.Assets and discard some of this preloaded data, but ultimately whether things are removed from memory will be based on the garbage collector. Also if any of the loaded resources are still in use, it may still remain in memory. unload() is not an aggressive dispose() type of behavior. Any assets still in use in your project will still continue to work
Thank you, after today’s test, I found that the program contains memory leaks, and has successfully rescued the SWF release memory. Already able to release resources normally, great!