iOS simulator not working

Hi, we recently updated our engine to using completely up to date haxe/Lime and we’re looking at the state of iOS development. Should iOS simulators be working at the moment? We haven’t been able to get them to work sadly.

  • I started with the SimpleImage Lime project (lime create SimpleImage).
  • Then run “lime test ios -verbose -simulator”
  • It succeeds in building, launches the simulator, but then it never seems to get further, like the pushing and running of the app doesnt work.
  • I end up with this output:

Running command: RUN

  • Running process: xcrun simctl list devices
  • Running process: open -Ra “iOS Simulator”
  • Running command: open -a Simulator --args -CurrentDeviceUDID 1E6CDDBB-AB70-4039-B8E3-00034A1B8328
  • Running process: xcrun simctl uninstall 1E6CDDBB-AB70-4039-B8E3-00034A1B8328 org.openfl.lime.samples.simpleimage
  • Running process: xcrun simctl install 1E6CDDBB-AB70-4039-B8E3-00034A1B8328 Export/ios/build/Release-iphonesimulator/
  • Running process: xcrun simctl launch 1E6CDDBB-AB70-4039-B8E3-00034A1B8328 org.openfl.lime.samples.simpleimage
  • Running command: tail -F $HOME/Library/Logs/CoreSimulator/1E6CDDBB-AB70-4039-B8E3-00034A1B8328/system.log

It really feels like it’s going to work, but just nothing coming up on the simulator, nothing has been installed on it.

I’ve tried unplugging my ipad from the mac and doing it again. I’ve also tried leaving the simulator open and running it again. Just nothing appears on the simulator.

I tried running it via xcode (lime test ios -xcode -simulator). But it failed to build - I think it’s possibly not using/building simulator versions of the .a files when you do it this way?

Any help or guidance would be appreciated!


I suspect that you are running into the issue fixed by this commit (which hasn’t been released to Haxelib yet):

Running in iOS simulator was not working for me either, until I made that change. It was trying to use old simulators that I had previously installed, but were no longer available.

Hey, yeah I cloned the lime git and now it works just fine, thanks!

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