iOS build failes on haxe 3.3.0

Hey guys,

there have been a few bug reports on github about iOS builds not working and workarounds like setting your IPHONE_VER variable and attaching “-Dsource-header=haxe” flag to your toolchain / compiler cmds, but with the most recent versions of lime, openfl and hxcpp when building an extension"lime rebuild . ios -Dsource-header=haxe". I encountered a fail I didnt get around so far.

We have different mac setup’s here with an older version of haxe and those libraries (haxe: 3.2.1, hxcpp: [3.2.205], lime: [2.9.0], openfl: [3.6.0]) its working, but with the newest versions (haxe: 3.3.0, hxcpp: [3.3.49], lime: [3.0.2], openfl: [4.0.3]) when trying to build the sample extension I then get:

It should work if you use Haxe 3.2.1, and the latest HXCPP, Lime and OpenFL, to my knowledge, without any additional hacks

Ah ok than haxe 3.3.0 is the issue not any of the libraries? Cool good to know, will test!