I am lookin around for haxe & openfl code for making a 10x10 grid of squares that I can have change color if clicked on.
Specifically, they need to change colour whenever they are scrolled over while the mouse click is being held down. They must switch to whichever color they aren’t (of 2 colors, eg. red or yellow).
Actually, is there any way you could elp me with fixing it up? It needs to change box colors from simple clicking, not just click+drag (click + hover).
Could you show me how to make these changes? I still can’t figure out this language, but I won’t give up…
I still can’t get my head around making interactivity work. In fact, I can’t even figure out how to make a simple hello world program print the the screen. I’m only able to see the result in command line or by opening the console.