Inlcuding custom ios .xcframework using dependency path needs to add build phase

I’m working on my own IAP extension, which uses a custom framework as an obj-c wrapper for swift storekit.
I include the framework in my extension’s include.xml using which does a lot of the work of setting up my xcode project very nicely, however I have found there are a couple of steps that I have to do manually to make everything work:

  1. Add a ‘copy files’ build phase, set it to Frameworks, and add my framework.
  2. In build settings > runpath search paths, add ‘@executable_path/Frameworks’

(I have to give chatGPT credit for telling me this is what I needed). When I take these 2 extra steps, my project builds and the extension successfully calls the swift code within the framework.

Since so much of setting up the xcode project is done automatically for me behind the scenes, I wonder whether I have missed anything that would take these 2 steps for me as well?

I’m new to writing extensions, so everything’s a bit of an experiment and I’m learning as I go. I had a little look at the project.pbxproj template in lime, and tools/platforms/IOSplatform.hx, but I’m a bit out of my depth there.