Hi all , I’m trying to exporting a MovieClip with a dynamic Textfield in It , the Textfield position is at x = 0, y = 0 ,
then I export it as .swf to be used by openfl targeting html 5 , the movieclip and textfield shown correctly on browser ,
but if I trace the textfield position it becomes x= -30.8 , y = 2 ,is this expected position value?
also if I add a DropShadowFilter to that textfield , the textfield is pushed far to the right with the same reported position x= -30.8 ,y= 2
Sometimes TextFields in Flash Professional or Animate have sort of a hidden offset X/Y, where it does not align the way an ActionScript TextField would. This is handled in our renderer, but recent changes to how we return our x and y property values caused this to be exposed. I have made changes to fix the return x and y values, as well as the render offset when using cacheAsBitmap (which is triggered by adding a filter):