HXP configuration file

Heelo there!

Trying to setup project configuration with project.hxp support and hit some troubles.

  1. HXP Format mention lime.project.HXProject class as basement for setup script. But in latest lime it seems to be lime.tools.HXProject
  2. anyway, after fixing base package i get really strange and cryptic error:


C:\_WPLabs\vn_mgs>openfl test html5 -verbose

OpenFL Command-Line Tools (8.6.4-LlLpzs)

Initializing project...
Using project file: C:\_WPLabs\vn_mgs/project.hxp
Reading Lime config: C:\Users\Main\.lime\config.xml
 - Creating directory: Users/Main/AppData/Local/Temp/temp_1614991
 - Copying file: C:\_WPLabs\vn_mgs\project.hxp -> C:\Users\Main\AppData\Local\Temp/temp_1614991/Project.hx
 - Running command: haxe Project -main lime.tools.HXProject -cp C:\Users\Main\AppData\Local\Temp/temp_1614991 -neko C:\Users\Main\AppData\Local\Temp/temp_1614991/Project.n -cp C:/_WPLabs/HaxeToolkit/haxe/lib/hxp/1,0,3/src -lib lime -lib hxp
 - Running command: neko C:\Users\Main\AppData\Local\Temp\temp_1614991\Project.n C:\Users\Main\AppData\Local\Temp/temp_1614991/input.dat C:\Users\Main\AppData\Local\Temp/temp_1614991/output.dat
Called from ? line 1
Called from lime/tools/HXProject.hx line 111
Called from C:\_WPLabs\HaxeToolkit\haxe\std/neko/_std/Type.hx line 103
Uncaught exception - $nargs


hxp file itself is doing nothing to cause such error:


import lime.tools.*;

class VNProject extends HXProject {
	public function new () {
		super ();
		trace ("Building"+meta.title);


What can be done here? hxp seems to be powerfull tool for make some preparations on assets for build.

Here’s a project file I have locally that I just tested, that appears to work:


import hxp.*;
import lime.tools.*;

class Project extends HXProject {
	public function new () {
		super ();
		meta = { title: "HXPTest", packageName: "com.sample.hxptest", version: "1.0.0", company: "Company Name" };
		app = { main: "Main", path: "Export", file: "HXPTest" };
		sources.push ("Source");
		haxelibs.push (new Haxelib ("openfl"));
		includeAssets ("Assets", "assets");


Perhaps the key is that the class name matches the file name. Try Project extends HXProject, or renaming to vnproject.hxp (though the tools might expect Vnproject then)