HTML5 target, compilation error

When try to compile for html5, I get this error:

Running Pre-Build Command Line…
cmd: “C:\HaxeToolkit\haxe/haxelib” run lime build “client.xml” html5 -debug -Dfdb
bin/html5/haxe/ApplicationMain.hx:812: characters 7-42 : Type not found : Main

812: @:keep class DocumentClass extends Main {}

So, what’s that ApplicationMain.hx file? how to solve this issue?

I found the reason, its in the project’s build xml:

<app path="Export" file="Lab" main="com.clientside.main.Main" if="flash" />

I’ve fixed it by:

<app path="Export" file="Lab" main="com.clientside.main.Main" if="flash||html5" />

Why not this?

<app path="Export" file="Lab" main="com.clientside.main.Main" />

There are other targets, windows and android that compiles to other locations on network…