lime 2.6.1
openfl 3.2.2
Having trouble with Assets.getFont() in HTML target. Here are my results:
(For these examples, someFont.ttf does not exist and myFont.ttf does exist)
Assets.getFont( “fnt/someFont.ttf” ) / Assets.getFont( “fnt/myFont” ) / any invalid string id
Assets.hx:233: [Assets] There is no Font asset with an ID of “fnt/someFont.ttf” (or “fnt/myFont”)
-returns an empty Font object with no properties. -
Assets.getFont( “fnt/myFont.ttf” )
Uncaught TypeError: cl is not a function
-completely crashes game (no render)
-fails in LimeAssets.getFont (id, false); (Assets.hx:155)
Am I doing something wrong or is this system broken? I can lift this info to the bug tracker if necessary. I’m just trying to get the font name, where myFont.ttf might have a name of “My Font”.
Note that if I manually just set the text format object to new TextFormat( “My Font”, 26 ) it works just fine, but I need a way to derive that string instead of bake it.