The following error does not stop my application from running, but still wondering if there is any way so that it never shows up in the console. I think, it might be making the app to run slow or use more resources than normal.
Error: WebGL: texImage2D: Incurred CPU pixel conversion, which is very slow. Main.js:25640:183
Error: WebGL: No further warnings will be reported for this WebGL context. (already reported 32 warnings)
When I click on line Main.js 25640, it jumps here :
if(textureImage.type == lime_graphics_ImageType.DATA) gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D,0,internalFormat,this.width,this.height,0,format,gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE,textureImage.get_data()); else gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D,0,internalFormat,format,gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE,textureImage.get_src());
How can I solve it ? As an experiment, I have tried removing all images ( png , jpg etc) from my application but still it shows up there.