I tried to use lib tag with different macros:
But that don’t worked. I can’t understand what macros names use in “if” for different architectures. Please help me.
I tried to use lib tag with different macros:
But that don’t worked. I can’t understand what macros names use in “if” for different architectures. Please help me.
I found answer:
<section if="android">
<section if="HXCPP_X86">
<lib name="lib/android/x86/gnustl/libadmob.a" />
<lib name="lib/android/x86/gnustl/libapp.a" />
<section unless="HXCPP_X86">
<lib name="lib/android/armeabi-v7a/gnustl/libadmob.a" />
<lib name="lib/android/armeabi-v7a/gnustl/libapp.a" />
Thanks to all