how to check if a property is in a class ?
var test:Bool = true;
if “test” exist ?
I tried
Reflect.hasField( this, "test" )
but it return allways false
how to check if a property is in a class ?
var test:Bool = true;
if “test” exist ?
I tried
Reflect.hasField( this, "test" )
but it return allways false
hasField is for checking anonymous types, like so
trace(Reflect.hasField({{bar:0}}, "bar")); //true
For typed classes you should determine the type and cast it to access those properties.
class Test {
static function main() {
var thing:Dynamic = new Foo();
if (Std.is(thing, Foo)) {
var foo:Foo = cast thing;
class Foo {
public var bar:Int = 0;
public function new (){}
if you have a bunch on classes that may have a property or method you should use an interface
Try Reflect.hasField(this, "test")
If that doesn’t work, use Type.getClassFields(Type.getClass(this))
or Type.getInstanceFields(Type.getClass(this))
If that doesn’t work, check the superclasses:
function hasFieldNamed(object:Dynamic, fieldName:String):Bool {
var c:Class<Dynamic> = Type.getClass(object);
while(c != null) {
if(Type.getInstanceFields(c).indexOf(fieldName) >= 0
|| Type.getClassFields(c).indexOf(fieldName) >= 0) {
return true;
c = Type.getSuperClass(c);
return false;
That said, it’s generally better to use an interface where possible:
interface TestBool {
public var test:Bool;
class MyClass implements TestBool {
public var test:Bool;
public function new() {
test = Math.random() < 0.5;
class MyOtherClass {
public static function getTestResult(testObject:Dynamic):Bool {
if(Std.is(testObject, TestBool)) {
return (cast testObject:TestBool).test;
} else {
return false;
…or at least a typedef:
typedef TestBool = {
var test:Bool;
class MyClass {
public var test:Bool;
public function new() {
test = Math.random() < 0.5;
class MyOtherClass {
public static function getTestResult(testObject:TestBool):Bool {
return testObject.test;
Reflect.hasField( this, "test" );
work if I use
Reflect.setProperty( this, "test", true );