How do you decrement a for loop?

I’ve come to the realisation that you cant actually decrement a for loop in Haxe. What is your preferred method of working around this crazy deficiency?

This is one way

for (i in 0...10)
	trace(Math.abs(i - 10));

EDIT: Math.abs returns a Float, so it might need to be converted to an Int - 10));

Not sure how much weight this adds if you have a big loop. Another way is to make a count var and decrement it.

var count = 10;
for (i in 0...10)


var i = 10;
while (i-- > 0) {
    trace (i);

Thanks guys. These are very helpful.

Someone once joked that “–>” is the “converges to” operator.

Also, I made two different libraries that could help. I don’t use the former much nowadays, and I don’t use the latter at all, but I’m fairly sure they both still work.