Help with understanding Haxe language

I am newbie in Haxe. I try to port my as3 Starling game to OpenFl/Starling.
I need some help to understand Haxe)
This is a part of my game windows manager. It works on as3. I cut all unnecessary code.

class WindowType
	public var _name:String;
	static public final WINDOW_BATTLE_INFO = new WindowType("WINDOW_BATTLE_INFO");
	static public final WINDOW_CONFIRM = new WindowType("WINDOW_CONFIRM");

    public function new(name:String):Void
        _name = name;

    public function toString():String
        return _name;
class BaseWindow extends Sprite implements IWindow
	public var Type:WindowType;
	function get_Type():WindowType
		throw ("must be overriden!");
class ConfirmWindow extends BaseWindow
	override function get_Type():WindowType
		return WindowType.WINDOW_CONFIRM;
class MainClass extends Sprite
	private var _currentWindows = new Map<String, BaseWindow>();

	public new():Void

	public function showWindow(type:WindowType):Void
		var mcWindow:BaseWindow = WindowsFactory.getWindow(type);
		mcWindow.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onWindowAddedChangeListener);
	private function onWindowAddedChangeListener(e: Event): Void
		var win:BaseWindow = cast e.currentTarget;	// I check that 'win' is 'ConfirmWindow'		
		_currentWindows[win.Type.toString()] = win;	// Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'toString')	

I get win.Type == null in last string. Why?)

The current code you have Type is a regular variable, not a getter. And it’s not set to anything, so it’s throwing a null ref error.

So instead of this:

public var Type:WindowType;
function get_Type():WindowType
	throw ("must be overriden!");

You need to do this:

public var Type(get, null):WindowType
function get_Type():WindowType
	throw ("must be overriden!");
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I am stupid)

What is difference in ‘null’ and ‘never’?
public var Type(get, null/never):WindowType

null means that you can set the variable from inside the class only. You can’t set it from outside the class. never means that you can’t set it under any circumstances.

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