My experience with swfs is limited to as3 projects, my experience with haxe is limited to bitmap sprites; I’m attempting to bridge the two and I can’t seem to get it to work. I’m using this doc page
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!------------------------------APPLICATION SETTINGS---------------------------->
<app title="test" file="testbed" main="com.geokureli.testbed.Main" version="0.0.1" company="GeoKureli" package="com.geokureli.testbed" />
<window width="384" height="384" fps="60" background="#5c94fc" hardware="true" vsync="true" />
<window if="web" orientation="portrait" />
<set name="BUILD_DIR" value="export" />
<library path="assets/animations/test_1.swf" id="library" />
<classpath name="source" />
<assets path="assets/test" rename="assets"/>
<app path="export/release" />
<app path="export" if="debug" />
<haxelib name="swf" type="swflite" unless="flash"/>
<haxelib name="swf" type="swf" if ="flash" />
and this code:
package com.geokureli.testbed.misc;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import openfl.Assets;
class EmbedSwfTest extends Sprite {
public function new():Void {
Assets.loadLibrary("library", function(library) { trace(Assets.getMovieClip("library:")); } );
Main.hx creates and adds EmbedSwfTest as a child. The trace outputs null and the library arg passed in is null as well.
I tried:
but that throws a library not found error on startup, removing “/test” fixed it.
is there something I’m doing wrong?
Running: flash -debug, btw
P.S.: is there a reference that lists the feature differences between swf and swfLite? I’m specifically interested in the flash and c++ builds