Hashlink Build missing hdll

Building DisplayingABitmap for HL is working. But when I try to launch my own project builded with HL I have an error saying:
Failed to load library ssl.hdll.

So how can I add this file?

It seems that ndll tag in project.xml can’t do this because it relies on haxelib.

<ndll name="" haxelib="" />

How can I build lime.hdll in lime\7,8,0\ndll\Windows? lime rebuild windows or lime rebuild hl does not build this hdll. So where does it come from?

Or how can I add ssl.hdll to lime\7,8,0\ndll\Windows?

I’ve made further test and lime rebuild hl doesn’t work on haxelib version but does work on git. So I’m able to generate lime.hdll but the ssl.hdll problem still occurs.

When doing lime rebuild hl -debug -verbose I’ve got this:

Ignoring compiler because of possible missing dependencies
Ignoring compiler because of possible missing dependencies
Ignoring compiler because of possible missing dependencies
Ignoring compiler because of possible missing dependencies
Ignoring compiler because of possible missing dependencies
Ignoring compiler because of possible missing dependencies
Ignoring compiler because of possible missing dependencies
 generated dll=C:/HaxeToolkit/haxe/lib/lime/git/project/../ndll/Windows/lime-debug.hdll

And I still don’t understand where is the code to build lime.hdll in lime source code.

So I already tried copying ssl.hdll from hashlink binaries version 1.11 and same message occured. But then I tried version 1.10 and the project launches now.

So it seems that Lime uses Hashlink 1.10 and SHOULD copy ssl.hdll from a valid release to make it works.

How can we update to last hashlink release ?
How can we add ssl.hdll? We copy it in build command? We need to locate the binaries though.

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I’ve made a PR that has been merged. Dev branch of Lime should be ok now.
For information, last binaries of hl is not yet compatible due to Lime using 32 bits.

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