Is there something wrong with Graphics.cubicCurveto()
? It seems to me that even simple cubic curves come out looking completely wrong. Consider the following simple code inside an initially empty sketch:
graphics.lineStyle( 2.0, 0x000000 );
graphics.moveTo( 100, 100 );
graphics.cubicCurveTo( 200, 100, 300, 200, 400, 100 );
graphics.lineTo( 500, 100 );
This should be a simple cubic curve segment followed by a straight line. Instead, I get this on neko and html5:
Worse yet, when I comment out the final lineTo()
call, the program crashes:
Called from ? line 1
Called from ApplicationMain.hx line 138
Called from ApplicationMain.hx line 51
Called from lime/app/Application.hx line 221
Called from lime/_backend/native/NativeApplication.hx line 127
Called from a C function
Called from lime/_backend/native/NativeApplication.hx line 332
Called from lime/app/Event.hx line 141
Called from lime/app/Application.hx line 110
Called from lime/app/Application.hx line 762
Called from openfl/display/Stage.hx line 1161
Called from openfl/_internal/renderer/opengl/GLRenderer.hx line 303
Called from openfl/_internal/renderer/opengl/GLRenderer.hx line 340
Called from openfl/display/DisplayObjectContainer.hx line 1062
Called from openfl/display/DisplayObjectContainer.hx line 1062
Called from openfl/display/DisplayObjectContainer.hx line 1058
Called from openfl/_internal/renderer/cairo/CairoGraphics.hx line 1323
Called from openfl/_internal/renderer/cairo/CairoGraphics.hx line 189
Called from openfl/_internal/renderer/cairo/CairoGraphics.hx line 498
Uncaught exception - Invalid operation (-)
It seems inconceivable that something as fundamental as cubic spline curves don’t work correctly, so I must ask: am I doing something obviously wrong?