I try to use googleplaygames extension.
But I have these errors when I compile :
error: cannot find symbol for :
- class Invitation
- class TurnBasedMatch
- variable Multiplayer
Here the part of my project.xml
<source path="src" />
<haxelib name="openfl" />
<haxelib name="actuate" />
<haxelib name="extension-googleplaygames" />
<haxelib name="extension-android-support-v4" />
<haxelib name="extension-googleplayservices-basement" />
<haxelib name="google-play-services" />
<setenv name="ANDROID_GRADLE_TASK" value=":app:bundleRelease" if="release" />
<setenv name="GOOGLE_PLAY_GAMES_ID" value="xxxxxxxx" if="android"/>
<set name="support-v4" />
<set name="appcompat-v7"/>
My current versions are (I tested many different ones)
Haxe 4.0.5
Openfl 9.1.0
Lime 7.7.0
extension-googleplaygames 1.5.7
Otherwise, if I don’t integrate the extension, game compiles and runs on device.
Any idea what is missing ?