GL.readPixels always returns zero

I’m rendering via OpenGLView, and need to read the framebuffer (typically the pixel under the mouse cursor).
I’m using code based on

However, regardless of the content of the screen, GL.readPixels() always return ARGB 0000.
Is there something I’m missing here, (maybe binding of the framebuffer) ?

function getPixel (x:Int, y:Int):Int {
	GL.pixelStorei(GL.UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
	var bufferstatus =  GL.checkFramebufferStatus(GL.FRAMEBUFFER); //this is always GL.FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETEvar pixel = new UInt8Array(4);
	pixel[0] = 128; pixel[1] = 128; pixel[2] = 128; pixel[3] = 128; //set these just to see if they change
	GL.readPixels (x, y, 1, 1, GL.RGBA, GL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixel); 
	trace("x:"+x+ " y:"+ y+ " a:"+pixel[3]+" r:"+pixel[0]+" g:"+pixel[1]+" b:"+pixel[2]);// always outputs a:0 r:0 g:0 b:0
	var a:Int = pixel[3];
	var r:Int = pixel[0];
	var g:Int = pixel[1];
	var b:Int = pixel[2];
	return (a << 24) | ( r << 16) | (  g << 8) | b ;