My generated swf classes were working fine, but after a small change to the swf this started returning null.
var library = swf.exporters.animate.AnimateLibrary.get("aN2c0Y2gBpvCOkYwug4a");
I notice there’s only one item in AnimateLibrary.instances and it had a different key altogether.
Just wondering where this key is generated and how. I wanted to take a look and see if it’s just a hashing issue or something
New versions of OpenFL and SWF have been released today. It may be worth giving that a try, and seeing if it resolves your issue. I have been working with SWF assets here on the development version and I believe this has been working fine.
works like a charm, now!
Edit: got the problem again, but a clean build fixed it.
FYI other people in the openfl discord were having trouble compiling swfs, the errors didn’t go away after updating the haxelibs. I suggested running rebuild.hxml in the swf lib and it fixed their issues. They expected lime rebuild tools to rebuild swf, also I think most people expect haxelib releases to just work without running anything other than haxelib run lime setup
. Not sure if this is an error, or something that needs to be broadcasted to people, better.
when I upgraded to latest swf, i ran rebuild.hxml just out of habit, lucky me.