Feathers UI alpha.2 preview build

Hey, OpenFL community!

Just a little update about the Kickstarter-funded Feathers UI for Haxe and OpenFL, the open source, cross-platform UI framework for creative projects. The newest alpha.2 preview build is now available on Haxelib, and I hope that you’ll take a moment to check it out.

The new build adds a number of new UI components, including GridView, TreeView, TextArea, PageIndicator PageNavigator, and TabNavigator. It also adds support for keyboard focus management, and a new CLI command interface for creating new projects. For complete details, please see the official announcement on the Feathers UI blog:


I’m very excited for FeathersUI! Thank you for the great works!

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Same here : I’ve been using feathers for years with as3 and I look forward to being able to use it again with haxe !


@joshtynjala any plans to support xml way to create components like HaxeUI does?
As I remember, there was xml markup way to create components in AS3 version.

I definitely want to support some kind of XML development experience for the new Feathers UI. I know that it’s very important.

Recently, I prototyped an MXML-like language using Haxe macros.

Expanding that could be interesting.

I’d also like to see a backend for coconut.ui to provide a JSX/React sort of experience.

Right now, I must focus on developing the core UI components as the top priority. If no one beats me to it, then I should hopefully be able to spend some time on XML stuff after the first stable 1.0 build (and, for reference, we’re not to beta yet, so patience is required for the time being).