Facebook sharing problem on Android

Hi everybody

we released we released a game on Google Play: Running Snake

We want to add “Share Score with Facebook” feature, but, we couldn’t find right solution.

we tried openfl-share and both hypfacebook frameworks (original and TBaudon version).

The problem with openfl-share by fBricker, that you can’t control what content will apear from all given information (text, image, link and subject). Only thing that displays is text that user entered, and link (link is represented with one of the images from that link, randomly, headline from that link…).

We want to display: text that user entered, and: subject, info, particular given image.

The problem with both hypfacebook frameworks is that we can’t use them. When we try to download it via git:

haxelib git hypfacebook https://github.com/hyperfiction/HypFacebook.git

the library can not be imported to openfl, while compile, there’s a message:
src/com/phyziko/Main.hx:23: characters 7-34 : Class not found : fr.hyperfiction.HypFacebook
Build halted with errors (haxelib.exe).

What are your way to share via facebook on android?

any suggestions?

It might not be hard to extend the “share” extension with this, not sure how it all works. I’ll try and ask @fbricker

Hi, I think you may need to create a landing page of your own and put some OG information there.
You can check an example of this at www.puralax.com/mobile

Also, something similar is being discussed here: https://github.com/fbricker/openfl-share/issues/3


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hi, can you help me?
I use extension-facebook (https://github.com/SempaiGames/extension-facebook) for my project. When i build for android i get error :
GameActivity.java:162: error: package org.haxe.extension.facebook does not exist
[javac] extensions.add (new org.haxe.extension.facebook.FacebookExtension ());
[javac] ^
[javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
[javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
[javac] 1 error
[javac] 3 warnings
but run on ios is OK. can you help me. Thanks, sorry my english is not good

Hi, please open a ticket directly on the extension’s github page if you find an issue.
We check that more often and more people over here receives the notification :slight_smile:

Hi @fbricker , your extension-facebook is perfect, thanks you so much. But i have a problem, when i share a post, i want to share with public mode, and disable private mode, what i have to do?

Hi, please open a ticket directly on the extension’s github page if you find an issue.
We check that more often and more people over here receives the notification :slight_smile: