Error while running code from Sublime text on Mac

Good morning everyone, I’m having issues while trying to run openFL/haxe/neko code from sublime text on my mac. This is my first time using this tech, so maybe the probleme comes from elsewhere.
After coding a very basic [initiation program][1], and running the following command (in a build system) :

openfl test neko

from the project folder, all I get in the Sublime Text console is:

Called from lime/utils/ByteArray.hx line 108
Called from lime/system/System.hx line 235
Called from lime/system/System.hx line 354
Uncaught exception - Segmentation fault
[Finished in 0.2s with exit code 1]
[cmd: [‘openfl’, ‘test’, ‘neko’]]

However when running the same command in the Terminal, the code runs as usual. It means the problem should come from Sublime Text, but why is the error said to come from the lime source code ?
If anyone knows any solution to this problem (running openfl from Sublime Text), please help.

I think the error might occur because it fails to find one or all of the Lime binaries that go with the application. It might be something about the current working directly when being executed from Sublime?

I’ve had trouble using Sublime directly, and always compile from a terminal when I use it. Have you tried launching using the shortcuts?

yes, I tried installing all the existing extensions for sublime text, none of them working. So for now I do like you and test in the Terminal, but surely there must be a better way.

I think you need to 1.) open the directory of your project in Sublime, 2.) open the project XML file and set the syntax type to NMML and 3.) there’s some shortcut (ctrl+shift+b or something) to switch the target type, and another to build.

However, it is subjective based on the file you are editing. If I remember properly, if you edit a file that is outside the project folder, it will not build. This messed me up constantly because I am always working on files outside the current project (developing Lime or OpenFL, Actuate, etc) where FlashDevelop preserves the current project regardless of what file you happen to be editing. That’s why I ended up giving up and relying on the terminal, but for a standard game dev project, I think there might be a way to get it to work reliably enough