Error at loading of html5 application in IE11


I get the following error when run my html5 application in IE 11:


stack trace:

lime__$backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.prototype.load [Zeile: 4557, Spalte: 3], PublicTotemPresentation.js
lime__$backend_html5_HTML5HTTPRequest.prototype.loadData [Zeile: 4605, Spalte: 3], PublicTotemPresentation.js
load [Zeile: 8160, Spalte: 3], PublicTotemPresentation.js
lime_app_Preloader.prototype.load [Zeile: 5731, Spalte: 4], PublicTotemPresentation.js
load [Zeile: 14577, Spalte: 3], PublicTotemPresentation.js
ApplicationMain.create [Zeile: 221, Spalte: 2], PublicTotemPresentation.js
$hx_exports.lime.embed [Zeile: 239, Spalte: 2], PublicTotemPresentation.js
Global code [Zeile: 43, Spalte: 3], presentation

The project uses:
openfl ver. 4.5.0
lime ver. 3.5.0

In project.xml I have the following:

<!-- classpath, haxe libs -->
<source path="src" />
<haxelib name="openfl" />
<haxelib name="actuate" />

<!-- assets -->
<icon path="assets/openfl.svg" />
<assets path="assets" />
<library path="assets/screens.swf" preload="true"/>
<haxedef name="canvas" />

What could be the issue?
Thanks in advance!

An example NyanCat in openfl-samples\4,5,0\demos is also not working.
The same error.
Nobody has a similar issue with IE 11?