I’m working to create a localization system for my software.
I plan to implement this using simple text files - each line begins with a variable name, then the text it should contain in quotations, e.g.
powerScreen “Make sure your laptop is plugged in”
session "Session Number: "
The plan is to read in these strings, split them to get the variable name and the corresponding text, then store them in a class.
To do this, I need to be able to create new class properties dynamically, and access them dynamically. My current attempt is along the lines of:
var localeFile = File.read("locale/" + config.language + ".txt", false);
lineNum = 0;
while ( true )
var str = localeFile.readLine();
var r = ~/["]+/g;
var ans = r.split(str); //split using | symbol
trace(ans[0] + " | " + ans[1]);
locale.(ans[0]) = ans[1];
lineNum++; //increment at end (note that first line contains headers)
catch (ex:haxe.io.Eof)
Could I get some assistance in determining how to make this happen (or to let me know if it is even possible?)?