Duplicated assets in android apk

I generated an apk for an android app and it appears that all assets folders that have a rename tag in my project.xml file are duplicated in the apk file.
For example, if in my project folder I have an Assets/fonts folder, If I have, in my project.xml file:

<assets path="Assets/fonts" rename="fonts"> ... </assets>

Then, in the generated apk, I will have an assets folder containing a fonts folder (with my fonts) but also containing another assets folder with another fonts folder (containing another copy of my fonts).
So, in the apk, I have:

Is this a normal behaviour? That doesn’t seems to be optimal as it unecessary duplicate assets (and increase apk size)

One way this can happen is with multiple <asset /> tags:

<assets path="Assets" />
<assets path="Assets/fonts" rename="fonts" />

Another possibility is you have leftover files from an old build. Try deleting Export/android/release/bin/app/src/main/assets/assets/fonts and checking whether it comes back.

Yes I have:

<assets path="Assets" rename="assets" />
<assets path="Assets/fonts" rename="fonts" /> 
<assets path="Assets/sounds" rename="sounds">

So how am I supposed to rename an assets subfolder when I have more than one subfolder in my assets folder?
In Assets I have multiple folders (like lang, img, fonts, sounds, videos…) and I want to rename fonts and sounds. How am I supposed to do this so that my asset folder don’t get duplicated in the final apk?

Maybe you could try…?

<assets path="Assets" exclude="fonts|sounds" rename="assets" />
<assets path="Assets/fonts" rename="fonts" /> 
<assets path="Assets/sounds" rename="sounds" />

You could also do it by extension

<assets path="Assets" include="*.jpg|*.png" rename="assets" />
<assets path="Assets/fonts" rename="fonts" /> 
<assets path="Assets/sounds" rename="sounds" />

Or you may decide to just use “assets/sounds” rather than using a rename, or alternatively not doing a general “Assets” tag, and including other folders

<assets path="Assets/fonts" rename="fonts" /> 
<assets path="Assets/sounds" rename="sounds" />
<assets path="Assets/images" rename="images" />

I end up doing something like this:

 <assets path="Assets/fonts" rename="fonts" /> 
 <assets path="Assets/sounds" rename="sounds" />
 <assets path="Assets/images" rename="assets/images" />
 <assets path="Assets/data" rename="assets/data" />

and so on for each of my assets subfolders…