Does openfl/haxe have any error/exception handling?

Previously I’ve discovered with help of other poster that when program encounters variable with null and try to call it’s method, program will simply end without any stacktrace or exception.

Did I overlook something?

hi Mader_Levap , with openfl/haxe, you’ll find a wide difference when compiling to different targets ! you’ll also recieve different responses and error messages from different targets when an error is found. If you’re struggling to figure out where an error may be, try compiling to a different target, as it may quickly become obvious !

program will simply end without any stacktrace or exception.

That’s the case with hxcpp, which is probably the target you’re talking about - there’s some defines you can add, like HXCPP_CHECK_POINTER and HXCPP_STACK_LINE. See also here: