Custom Filters or Shaders


I am new to OpenFL, and have been trying to decide which framework to choose for my next project. I had experience in Flash and Starling. Starling supports custom filter shaders written in AGAL, and it’s easy to implement. After doing some other research, I have found other frameworks with similar features, including pixi.js.
I would like to know if OpenFL has this kind of features, or some workarounds.

Thanks a lot. :smiley:

There is an in-progress Stage3D layer, which Away3D is currently (successfully) using, literally with AGAL shaders. That’s one path. There’s also OpenGLView which lets you make custom OpenGL calls. There’s Lime underneath OpenFL, which provides direct GL support, or there will be custom shader support in the future in the newer version of OpenFL, we’re just continuing to let that mature. There’s a few ways, depending on how you want to do it, there’s even ways to patch custom shader support in using OpenGLViews before and after other objects on the display list


Yes I have heard that the custom shader support will be in openfl “next”, which will be one of the best features IMO. I did found the method of using 2 openglviews but I have also heard that openglviews won’t work perfectly with the displaylist, so I’ll do some more experiment then. I hope the next update will come out soon!