Chinese string constant in .hx file not compile OK when target to windows

public function new() 


// Assets:
// openfl.Assets.getBitmapData("img/assetname.jpg");

textField = new TextField();
textField.text = "你好Chinese!";
textField.y = 30;
textField.x = 30;
textField.width = 600;

var textFomart:TextFormat = new TextFormat("微软雅黑", 16, 0xffffff, true);


this.textField.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK , onCLick );		

my code is like that .I am compile the OpenFL project target to windows C++.

$ haxelib list
actuate: [1.8.7]
dox: 1.0.0 [1.1.0]
flixel: [4.2.0]
hxcpp: 3.3.49 [3.4.2]
lime-samples: [3.4.0]
lime: [3.5.2]
nme: [5.6.4]
openfl: 4.5.1 [4.5.2]
polygonal-ds: [1.4.1]
polygonal-printf: [1.0.2-beta]

haxe version :3.2.1
neko version:2.0.0
lime version:3.5.2

I am new to haxe. I don’t know how to solve it.

I have open an issue at github :

Looks related to this issue?

Is the value okay when you trace it?

trace (""你好Chinese!");
trace (textField.text);
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