One problem I now came across is that I need to cast a DisplayObject to MovieClip. I looked if it would have been possible to only use DisplayObjects, but then I would lose functionalities such as buttonMode, gotoandstop, etc, that belongs to the MovieClip. I can also not start from a MovieClip since I am doing "DisplayObjectContainer.getChildAt(i); which returns a DisplayObject.
I have tried both safe and unsafe casts, but both gives me the error: “Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::Shape@ef91b871 to flash.display.MovieClip”
Is there any work around for this? Or maybe someone has a tip on how I could solve this otherwise, cause I do not really know at the moment.
You cant convert a Shape to MovieClip because shape is not a successor of a movie clip in the inheritance tree…
This is also not possible in AS3 and would result in a null or compile time exception.
If you could give a code snippet than i can suggest a solution.
This is where it goes wrong (this is the flash version):
protected function createButtons(movieclips:Vector.<DisplayObject>):Vector.<Button> {
var converted:Vector.<Button> = new <Button>[];
for each (var tMC:MovieClip in movieclips) {
----> Problem in OpenFL <-----
converted.push(createComponent(tMC, Button));
return converted;
private function createComponent(input:MovieClip, componentType:Class) : Component {
var component:Component = new componentType(input);
component.parentName = absoluteName;
return component;
So I have a Vector with all the buttons from the asset, and I need to convert them into my Button class (which inherits from MovieClip. I hope it is clear.