Hi when creating exe file for windows, i had this error (i have VS community installed on my machine C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio ) Warning: Could not find Visual Studio 2017 VsDevCmd Missing HXCPP_VARS Error: Could not automatically setup MSVC Build halted with errors.
What version of Visual Studio Community is installed?
Have you restarted the machine since the install, or at least closed and re-opened the command-prompt? Sometimes, environment variables do not update until after a reboot.
hi singmajesty. i have updated my vs community to the lastest version and ran the command line after my computer is restarted. is there any way to set environment variables manually?.
hi @singmajesty
Yes, it does, it has a “2017” folder. the full paths are C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community and C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer. Just tried to run command line (lime setup windows) again but still have no luck. I’m using lime ver 7.2.1.
Hi! I get it working with hxcpp 3.4.64 lime 6.2.0 openfl 7.1.2 but I had another error while building. " Error: pcre_exec.c C:/HaxeToolkit/haxe/lib/hxcpp/3,4,64/project/thirdparty/pcre-7.8/pcre_exec.c : fatal error C1033: cannot open program database ‘e:\cloud\dropbox\haxestarlingtest\bin\windows\obj\obj\msvc16-debug-ncxp\vc.pdb’"
Any suggestions? Thanks!
After restarting computer and clean all old windows build, it works well. Thanks for reading!
ah, just another question. is it safe if we use haxe starling along with old version of openfl and lime? i love starling api and it’s assetmanager, bitmap font:)
Unfortunately, I have exact same problem with building by VS2017, now trying to setup VS2015 and I should say It is very disappointing to face like this issues for new developers like me, I do not know how to code- just basics- and there is some feeling in me wanting to learn and do flash games. But it is hard process I think, and it decreases my ambition, I feel sorry about that. Any advices appreciated. Thanks.
The old Visual Studio Express works fine… but I use VS Community 2017 I believe without issues
I have to install the “Windows C++ Desktop” packages, restart the computer after the install (for environment variables to populate) and have a current HXCPP library from Haxelib
I can now create .exe file for windows by using the latest versions of lime, openfl hxcpp and VS 2019 (check all desktop C++ components).
And you might delete (or edit) all the config files - C:\Users\UserName\ .lime and C:\Users\UserName\ .hxcpp_config.xml