If you installed wrong version of openfl than you need download manuel from haxelib “haxelib install openfl 3.6.0” and you need to download lime if you want 2.9.0 or 2.9.1 whatever than you can compile again if it doesn’t work than you try remove library example openfl or lime or nme than install again than it works clean… I hope my solution helps you
If your lime gets error you need to install lime-2.9.0:
get lime develop from github
example: C:\users(username)\lime ( gethub version ) than
and rename installed from haxelib
2,9,0 to 2,9,0_bkp and copy from github to haxe\lib\lime\lime and rename to 2,9,0 and copy from installed ( 2,9,0_bkp to 2,9,0 and make sure new version of hxcpp and haxe 3.3 ( I will test later )
and haxelib run lime setup if it doesn’t show error than compile like lime rebuild windows -DHXCPP_X86 and lime rebuild windows -Dstatic -DHXCPP_X86 and more If you want -Dlegacy example
lime rebuild windows -Dlegacy -DHXCPP_X86 and lime rebuild windows -Dlegacy -Dstatic -DHXCPP_X86 if you use iOS than you need lime rebuild ios and lime rebuild ios -Dlegacy ( If you use lime setup ios )
And you try create example project like DisplayingABitmap to iOS app and try it. If compilation doesn’t get error. I hope my solution helops you.