BitArray has no field get

When compile my project (targeting flash)t, I get errors,

I am using haxe 3.2.1, my libs are:

>haxelib list
actuate: [1.8.6]
assetsmanager: [1.2.0]
box2d: [1.2.3]
cereal: [0.0.4]
crashdumper: git [dev:H:\haxelibs\lib\crashdumper\git]
extension-nativedialog: 1.2.1 [1.2.2]
files-viewer: [dev:H:\repositories\dcaclab-app\files-viewer\src]
format: [3.2.1]
haxeui-file-dialogs: [0.1.1]
haxeui: [1.7.18]
hscript: 2.0.4 [2.0.5]
hxcpp: [3.2.180]
layout: [1.2.1]
lime-samples: [2.6.0]
lime: [2.9.0]
mlib: [2.0.2]
msignal: [1.2.2]
openfl-samples: [3.3.1]
openfl: [3.6.0]
rox-i18n: [1.0.0]
stablexui: [1.1.5]
svg: 1.0.8 [1.0.9]
swf: [2.2.0]
systools: [1.1.0]
tjson: [1.4.0]

My build file:
<haxelib name="swf" />

The errors:

cmd: "C:\HaxeToolkit\haxe/haxelib" run lime build "dcaclab-client.xml" flash -debug -Dfdb
H:/haxelibs/lib/swf/2,2,0/format/swf/utils/BitArray.hx:15: characters 18-26 : format.swf.utils.BitArray has no field get
H:/haxelibs/lib/swf/2,2,0/format/swf/utils/BitArray.hx:62: characters 4-12 : format.swf.utils.BitArray has no field set
H:/haxelibs/lib/swf/2,2,0/format/swf/utils/BitArray.hx:62: characters 28-36 : format.swf.utils.BitArray has no field get
H:/haxelibs/lib/swf/2,2,0/format/swf/utils/BitArray.hx:66: characters 4-12 : format.swf.utils.BitArray has no field set
H:/haxelibs/lib/swf/2,2,0/format/swf/utils/BitArray.hx:66: characters 28-36 : format.swf.utils.BitArray has no field get
H:/haxelibs/lib/swf/2,2,0/format/swf/utils/BitArray.hx:70: characters 4-12 : format.swf.utils.BitArray has no field set
H:/haxelibs/lib/swf/2,2,0/format/swf/utils/BitArray.hx:70: characters 28-36 : format.swf.utils.BitArray has no field get
H:/haxelibs/lib/swf/2,2,0/format/swf/SWFData.hx:310: characters 9-17 : format.swf.utils.BitArray has no field get
H:/haxelibs/lib/swf/2,2,0/format/swf/SWFData.hx:872: characters 17-25 : format.swf.utils.BitArray has no field get
Build halted with errors.

Can someone help?

Any one? I am still not able to compile my project :pensive:

Does your build file also have openfl?

<haxelib name="openfl" />

Yes, here is my build file:

<compilerflag name="-swf-version 11.3" if="flash" />

<window background="#eeeeee" fps="200" />
<window  unless="mobile" />
<window orientation="landscape" vsync="false" antialiasing="0" if="cpp" />

<!-- classpath, haxe libs -->
<source path="src" />

<set name="openfl-legacy" unless="flash"/>

<haxelib name="openfl"/>

<haxelib name="svg"/>

<haxelib name="rox-i18n"/>

<haxelib name="files-viewer" unless="flash"/>
<haxelib name="tjson" unless="flash"/>

<haxelib name="stablexui"/>
<haxelib name="extension-nativedialog" unless="flash"/>

<compilerflag name="--macro filesviewer.Init.init()" unless="flash"/>

<compilerflag name="--macro com.roxstudio.i18n.I18n.locale('en')" />

<compilerflag name="--macro Init.init()" />

<haxelib name="swf"  />

<!--flash assets-->
<library path="assets/led.swf" preload="true" generate="true"/>

<!--android assets-->
<library path="assets/library.swf" preload="true" generate="true"/>

<haxelib name="systools" if="windows"/>

<haxelib name="assetsmanager" unless="flash"/>

<haxelib name="cereal"></haxelib>

<!-- assets -->
<assets path="assets" rename="assets"/>

<icon path="assets/openfl.svg" unless="flash" />

Are you using new SWF in your code somewhere? I don’t think the Flash target is supposed to hit this code. Try “NyanCat” or another SWF sample

I Have the same problem.
Have you found a solution?

I’m using “new SWF” since beginning of my project (sept 2015) and I had no issue with this code.
Some time have passed without compiling for flash target and now this issue pop.

A simple sample to reproduce it :

Can you tell me what I’m doing wrong?

Ok I got it working but only with swf version 2.1.3 newer versions failed to compile with the BitArray error.

I have done some changes in my sample :

Me too, I am some how stuck at swf version 2.1.0