Away3D render() moves camera using Hovercontroller

I’m experiencing a strange issue when using a Hovercontroller, where invoking a View3D render() will cause the camera position to move.

Any ideas?

If you want to update camera position manually, disable “autoUpdate” of controller, and call “update(false)” to immediately apply changes (like tiltAngle, panAngle).

OK, tried that, and it looks like calling update(false) is shifting the camera, which I’m guessing is called in render.

setting camera position traces… Vector3D(15.697811126708984, 0, 15.891853332519531)
call camController.update(false) Vector3D(-2.999618361729128e-15, 200, -5.338191102847846e-15)
set the camera position again… Vector3D(15.697811126708984, 0, 15.891853332519531)
call camController.update(false) again… Vector3D(-2.999618361729128e-15, 200, -5.338191102847846e-15)

very confused!

It’s always the simplest things you miss, I had forgotten to correctly set the lookat position instead of using the camera position doh!