As3hx stopped working

I had successfully installed and used a3hx on my mac using macOS Sierra. Now I can’t can’t get it to work. I’ve deleted and reinstalled it several times and no luck.

Here’s a listing of the run. Any ideas?

melzie-mac:as3hx-master Athena$ ls
AS3 as3hx.hxml src Makefile haxelib.json test
Hexe run.n test.hxml
melzie-mac:as3hx-master Athena$ neko run.n AS3/ Hexe/
Called from$statics line 1
Called from Run::main line 110
Called from Run::loop line 32
Called from sys.FileSystem::readDirectory line 94
Uncaught exception - std@sys_read_dir

Could you try installing and using a different version, and see if it helps?

For example:

haxelib install as3hx 1.0.5
haxelib set as3hx 1.0.5
haxelib run as3hx AS3/ Haxe/

If you haven’t already, you can also try the haxelib run version of running the AS3HX tool

haxelib run as3hx AS3/ Haxe/

Tried those and still no go. Here’s what I got:

melzie-mac:as3hx-master Athena$ haxelib run as3hx AS3/ Haxe/
Error: Library as3hx is not installed
melzie-mac:as3hx-master Athena$ haxelib run run.n AS3/ Haxe/
Error: Library run.n is not installed
melzie-mac:as3hx-master Athena$ haxelib install as3hx 1.0.5
Downloading as3hx-1,0,…
Download complete : 255696 bytes in 0.8s (297KB/s)
Installing as3hx…
Current version is now 1.0.5
melzie-mac:as3hx-master Athena$ haxelib set as3hx 1.0.5
melzie-mac:as3hx-master Athena$ haxelib run as3hx AS3/ Haxe/
Called from ? line 1
Called from Run.hx line 110
Called from Run.hx line 32
Called from /usr/lib/haxe/std/neko/_std/sys/FileSystem.hx line 94
Uncaught exception - std@sys_read_dir
melzie-mac:as3hx-master Athena$ neko run.n AS3/ Hexe/
Called from$statics line 1
Called from Run::main line 110
Called from Run::loop line 32
Called from sys.FileSystem::readDirectory line 94
Uncaught exception - std@sys_read_dir
melzie-mac:as3hx-master Athena$

If 1.0.5 doesn’t work, try 1.0.6, or another version

Like this

cd my/project
haxelib run as3hx path/to/source path/for/output

Unless you have “as3hx-master/AS3”, I think you might need a different path for the source

Thanks for the suggestions but one thing that seems to be lost is that the commands I used (neko run.n AS3/ Hexe/) used to work without any problems. After I started having the problem, I reinstalled and recreated the folder structure exactly like it was when it did work. And I get those errors even when there’s no file in the source AS3 folder.

I think the key is knowing what’s causing Uncaught exception - std@sys_read_dir

That error happens when a Neko-based program cannot read a directory. This usually happens if a directory does not exist, the file permissions are wrong, or some other problem is taking place

It happens when the output directory already exists. I removed the output directory to make as3hx make it itself. And the error was gone.

It worked on windows using this command:
neko run.n src/ out/

But on mac, I installed as3hx 1.0.6 when using
neko run.n src/ out/

It says module run.n not found

When trying this command
haxelib run as3hx path/to/source path/for/output

it does not do anything. Just blank output and comes back to terminal.

I am trying to find run.n , and for that I tried to search as3hx. But not able to understand where as3hx and all libraries get installed on mac. The confusion is added because I have Stencyl game builder installed. And it too seems to install a lot of haxe libraries.

You should build sources to create run.n
See readme:

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Thanks. That did generate the run.n file. I tested with run.n and it works good.

In fact I realised both options of using
haxelib run as3hx ./source ./target
neko run.n ./source ./target

are working fine.

My mistake. I had given a wrong extension to the source file. So it was not able to recognise.