[android] Textfield wrong color

I have a problem when displaying html text on android.

Here my test

var textField1:TextField = new TextField ();
textField1.x = 0;
textField1.y = 0;
textField1.embedFonts = true;
textField1.selectable = false;
textField1.defaultTextFormat = Fonts.CHAT_WHITE_20;
textField1.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
textField1.htmlText = ""
+	"Red 1: <font color=\"#FF0000\">#FF0000</font>" + "\n"
+	"Red 2: <font color=\"#00FF0000\">#00FF0000</font>" + "\n"
+	"Red 3: <font color=\"red\">red</font>" + "\n"
+	"Red 4: <font color=\"0xFF0000\">0xFF0000</font>" + "\n"
+	"Green 1: <font color=\"#00FF00\">#00FF00</font>" + "\n"
+	"Green 2: <font color=\"#FF00FF00\">#FF00FF00</font>" + "\n"
+	"Green 3: <font color=\"green\">green</font>" + "\n"
+	"Green 4: <font color=\"0x00FF00\">0x00FF00</font>" + "\n"
+	"Blue 1: <font color=\"#0000FF\">#0000FF</font>" + "\n"
+	"Blue 2: <font color=\"#FF0000FF\">#FF0000FF</font>" + "\n"
+	"Blue 3: <font color=\"blue\">blue</font>" + "\n"
+	"Blue 4: <font color=\"0x0000FF\">0x0000FF</font>";
this.addChild (textField1);
var textField2:TextField = new TextField ();
textField2.x = 300;
textField2.y = 0;
textField2.width = 300;
textField2.embedFonts = true;
textField2.selectable = false;
textField2.defaultTextFormat = Fonts.DETAIL_WHITE_20;
textField2.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
textField2.wordWrap = true;
textField2.multiline = true;
textField2.text = textField1.htmlText;
this.addChild (textField2);

My haxelib

actuate: [1.8.1]
hxtools: [1.1.6]
lime-tools: [1.3.2]
lime: [0.9.6]
nme: [5.2.13]
openfl: [1.3.0] 

Build IOS, Windows or Flash

Build Android (run on any Android devices)

Only Android, text color is wrong. I need solution for this problem!


I just gave your sample code a try using the latest release, and all the colors came through properly for me on Android. Have you tried using a newer version? If you encounter any trouble compiling with the latest, please let me know, I’d be glad to help

Thank, your sugest. I try upgrade all my haxelib and problem is gone.

Build Android

Build Windows

You can see, the color was right.
Another problem, when I use the TextField.htmlText to get the contents of textField1, it is still not right.

Do you have any solutions?

Oh, interesting. I wonder why the platform would affect this. Let me put this on my list to look into. Did you have any trouble upgrading between versions, were there any regressions? Thanks!

Thanks again for bringing this up,

The problem has been fixed, I am now getting the proper string output on Android. This will go out in the next release, soon :smile:

Ok, thank you. I will wait for the next version.
About upgrade version, I feel the multithread on Android is not stable. I’m checking this.