Android build windows fails 'arm-linux-androideabi-g++' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Error: Could not create PCH

on Windows 10, lime build android fails with “‘arm-linux-androideabi-g++’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Error: Could not create PCH”

using haxelib:
actuate: [1.8.9]
box2d: [1.2.3]
hxcpp: [4.0.8]
layout: [1.2.1]
lime-samples: [7.0.0]
lime: [7.3.0]
openfl-samples: [8.7.0]
openfl: [8.9.0]

there is a mention to android build tool supports only version,
but i don’t see any way to download or install that. have api 19 install from android studios.

any thoughts?

Most likely you’re using an NDK newer than r15c? That’s the maximum that HXCPP supports right now.

yep, downloading the older NDK r15c and updating the SDK to API 26. allows me to build. Would be awesome if that was updated on Setup Android


Yes, would be nice if the docs were updated, they seem a bit outdated (mentioning r13b and that newer versions have not been tested).


I’ve made a PR :

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