Android build release

why I build an android release version but always get a debug version?
I use default project.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

	<!-- _________________________ Application Settings _________________________ -->

	<app title="TurnBaseRPG" file="TurnBaseRPG" main="Main" version="0.0.1" company="HaxeFlixel" />

	<!--The flixel preloader is not accurate in Chrome. You can use it regularly if you embed the swf into a html file
		or you can set the actual size of your file manually at "FlxPreloaderBase-onUpdate-bytesTotal"-->
	<app preloader="flixel.system.FlxPreloader" />

	<!--Minimum without FLX_NO_GAMEPAD: 11.8, without FLX_NO_NATIVE_CURSOR: 11.2-->
	<set name="SWF_VERSION" value="11.8" />

	<!-- ____________________________ Window Settings ___________________________ -->

	<!--These window settings apply to all targets-->
	<window width="640" height="480" fps="60" background="#000000" hardware="true" vsync="false" />

	<window if="html5" resizable="true" />

	<window if="desktop" orientation="landscape" fullscreen="false" resizable="true" />

	<window if="mobile" orientation="landscape" fullscreen="true" width="0" height="0" />

	<!-- _____________________________ Path Settings ____________________________ -->

	<set name="BUILD_DIR" value="export" />
	<source path="source" />
	<assets path="assets" />

	<!-- _______________________________ Libraries ______________________________ -->

	<haxelib name="flixel" />

	<!--In case you want to use the addons package-->
	<!--<haxelib name="flixel-addons" />-->

	<!--In case you want to use the ui package-->
	<!--<haxelib name="flixel-ui" />-->

	<!--In case you want to use nape with flixel-->
	<!--<haxelib name="nape-haxe4" />-->

	<!-- ______________________________ Haxedefines _____________________________ -->

	<!--Remove the legacy health system-->
	<haxedef name="FLX_NO_HEALTH" />
	<!--Enable the Flixel core recording system-->
	<!--<haxedef name="FLX_RECORD" />-->

	<!--Disable the right and middle mouse buttons-->
	<!--<haxedef name="FLX_NO_MOUSE_ADVANCED" />-->

	<!--Disable the native cursor API on Flash-->
	<!--<haxedef name="FLX_NO_NATIVE_CURSOR" />-->

	<!--Optimise inputs, be careful you will get null errors if you don't use conditionals in your game-->
	<haxedef name="FLX_NO_MOUSE" if="mobile" />
	<haxedef name="FLX_NO_KEYBOARD" if="mobile" />
	<haxedef name="FLX_NO_TOUCH" if="desktop" />
	<!--<haxedef name="FLX_NO_GAMEPAD" />-->

	<!--Disable the Flixel core sound tray-->
	<!--<haxedef name="FLX_NO_SOUND_TRAY" />-->

	<!--Disable the Flixel sound management code-->
	<!--<haxedef name="FLX_NO_SOUND_SYSTEM" />-->

	<!--Disable the Flixel core focus lost screen-->
	<!--<haxedef name="FLX_NO_FOCUS_LOST_SCREEN" />-->

	<!--Disable the Flixel core debugger. Automatically gets set whenever you compile in release mode!-->
	<haxedef name="FLX_NO_DEBUG" unless="debug" />

	<!--Enable this for Nape release builds for a serious peformance improvement-->
	<haxedef name="NAPE_RELEASE_BUILD" unless="debug" />

	<!-- Haxe 4.3.0+: Enable pretty syntax errors and stuff. -->
	<!-- pretty (haxeflixel default), indent, classic (haxe compiler default) -->
	<haxedef name="message.reporting" value="pretty" />

	<!-- _________________________________ Custom _______________________________ -->

	<!--Place custom nodes like icons here-->

You can try to add
<setenv name="ANDROID_GRADLE_TASK" value="assembleRelease" />

In order to generate a release build, you need to include a path to a private key, which is used for signing the app. Check this out for more info: Publishing Android Apps | Learn Haxe

You can also do it from the command line, such as:
lime build android -final -release --certificate-path="path/to/android/key.jks" --certificate-alias=shell --certificate-password=[your password]

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