Android build fails after openFL update


Recently I switched from openFL 2.1.1 to latest 3.0.6 and android build fails with the message:

[echo] ----------
[echo] Handling Resources…
[aapt] Generating resource IDs…
[aapt] invalid resource directory name: E:\Users\Antoni\Documents\GameStudioHx Projects\000truck\bin\android\bin\res/drawable-xxxhdpi

C:\Development\Android SDK\tools\ant\build.xml:649: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\Development\Android SDK\tools\ant\build.xml:690: null returned: 1

Anyone knows what could be the problem?


Did you try a clean build? lime test android -clean

Yes I did, I even tried a new blank project, but I get the same error.

There’s a space in “GameStudioHx Projects”, maybe retry in a path without spaces.

I tried to remove the space, and still, build fails

[aapt] Generating resource IDs…
[aapt] invalid resource directory name: E:\Users\Antoni\Documents\GameStudioHxProjects\000truck\bin\android\bin\res/drawable-xxxhdpi

C:\Development\Android SDK\tools\ant\build.xml:649: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\Development\Android SDK\tools\ant\build.xml:690: null returned: 1

Have you tried updating the Android SDK tools?


Updating Android SDK tools to rev 19.1 solved my problem

Thanks Joshua!