The OpenFL website is open-source!
If you would like to add a new project to the OpenFL Showcase, you can do this using a pull request:
1. Fork the repository
If you create a fork of repository, you will be able to add new files and make changes to the website, then submit them later as a “pull request”
2. Choose a showcase image
Select a showcase image according to the following guidelines:
- The source image should be at least 460 x 224 pixels in size
- Ideally, the image should include the title of your project
- Ideally, the image should not include UI (such as “Start”) or other marketing messages (such as “free”)
- is intended to be family-friendly site, so showcase graphics should avoid violent images, bad language or immodesty
- There are no specific requirements as to the content of projects listed on the showcase (other than the showcase graphic), but some content that is ultra-violent, coarse or mature may not be appropriate for the showcase
You may optionally include a source document for your showcase graphic, in case we need different sizes in the future. We store these under the “_assets/images/showcase” source folder.
3. Export two versions of your showcase image
Choose a descriptive name that matches your project (such as “FluffyTheDogUnleased”) and use this name for both showcase images. We usually use either JPEG-encoded images at 95% quality, or PNG-encoded images, whichever is smaller for the image.
- Save the 460 x 224 version under “images/showcase/large/”, such as “images/showcase/large/FluffyTheDogUnleashed.jpg”
- Save the half-size, 230 x 112 version under “images/showcase/small”. The image name should remain the same, and it should be identical other than the smaller size
4. Add a page for your project
Each showcase title has its own Markdown file, including information about the project. The meta-data for the project is stored as YAML “front-matter”. (Information regarding characters that must be encased in quotes or escaped is listed here)
Here is an example document:
title: "Fluffy the Dog: Unleashed"
developer: DevForever
image: FluffyTheDogUnleashed.jpg
There are also additional fields you can use as appropriate, such as “client”, “publisher”, “xbox” or “playstation”. You should also omit fields that do not apply to your project, such as platforms you do not support
Save the file using an appropriate lowercase name for your project (such as “”) and place it under “_showcase/”
5. (Optional) Add your developer name and URL
You can (optionally) edit “_data/developers.yml” if you have never submitted to the showcase before. Please add your name (matching the developer name in your showcase entry) alphabetically in the file, along with an appropriate URL.
6. (Optional) Add a client/publisher name and URL
If your title includes a client or publisher which is not already present on the showcase, you can add the client or publisher name (matching the name used in your showcase entry) alphabetically in “_data/clients.yml” or “_data/publishers.yml”, along with an appropriate URL.
7. Commit and push your changes
Once the changes are done, commit and push your changes to your forked repository
git add .
git commit -m "Add 'Fluffy the Dog: Unleashed' to showcase"
git push
8. Open a pull request
With your changes committed to your own fork of the repository, create a pull request
Have an idea for improving the showcase, and showcase entries?
Please open a new topic and discuss it with us. We hope the showcase is a useful resource both for developers and visitors!