Actuate - Could not call actuate twice for same object?

It’s not possible to call Actuate tween for the same object when once it’s finished. Is that a bug ?
At example below, I create myBitmap and if I click on spr ( calling function onBtnClicked ) after tween finished ( after trace “Tween One finished” ) nothing happens , but if I call onBtnClicked , before first tween finished, second tween works also.
Is it possible to call same tween for same object more that once ?

var myBitmap : Bitmap;
public function new() 
                var spr : Sprite = new Sprite();;, 0, 100, 100);;
		spr.addEventListener(, onBtnClicked);
		myBitmap = new Bitmap();
		myBitmap.bitmapData = Assets.getBitmapData("img/newturn.png");
		myBitmap.alpha = 1;
		Actuate.tween(myBitmap, 3, { alpha: 0} ).onComplete ( function() {trace( "Tween One finished");});
	private function onBtnClicked(
		myBitmap.alpha = 1;
		Actuate.tween(myBitmap, 3, { alpha: 0} ).onComplete ( function() {trace( "Tween Two finished");});

Does your code call both onComplete handlers if you change the second tween to use { alpha: 1 } instead of both using { alpha: 0 }?

EDIT: Oh, I see the myBitmap.alpha = 1 now. What if you use apply instead? That will cancel any conflicting tweens that may still be active

Actuate.apply (myBitmap, { alpha: 1 });
Actuate.tween (myBitmap, 3, { alpha: 0 }).onComplete ( function() {trace( "Tween Two finished");});

I change to the following code, but result was the same . ( using openfl 8.7.0 , lime 7.2.0 and actuate 1.8.9 )

private function onBtnClicked(
		Actuate.apply (myBitmap, { alpha: 1 });
		Actuate.tween(myBitmap, 3, { alpha: 0} ).onComplete ( function() {trace( "Tween Two finished");});

If you add a trace, can you make sure that onBtnClicked is really called? What if you tween x or y instead?

Change by x and y works. Obviously the problem is with alpha. Here is example project :

Edit: Clicking on the button works.

Here is the same project , but using x and y , not apha ( which works )

Just changing the function to this and it stop working. ( i.e. alpha available )

	private function onBtnClicked(
		Actuate.apply (myBitmap, { alpha: 1 });
		xm = xm + 20;
		Actuate.tween(myBitmap, 3, { x: xm, y : 100, alpha: 0} ).onComplete ( function() {trace( "Tween Two finished");});

Obviously is some bug in Actuate . If you set every time myBitmap.visible = true; ( in onBtnClicked(…) and alpha = 1) , everything works i.e. if alpha = 0 , actuate set visible = false, but after that when set alpha =1 , visible is still false.

Oh, try .autoVisible (false) on your tween, or set alpha = 1 and visible = true before starting a new tween?

Both works. Thank you. Actuate is a great tween library

It was added because visible = false performs much faster in Flash than alpha = 0 alone, but toggling it on/off is a nuisance! Actuate does try to set visible = true if you tween from an alpha = 0