About Library tag in project-xml, not sure if it's a bug or intended to behave like that

I have got 3 swf files as library in assets folder. I need to use 3 swf because there is swf size limit (10mb probably) with open-fl as I remember about the error I got.

In project.xml I have it like this:

 <library   path="assets/game-assets1.swf"  preload="true" />
 <library   path="assets/game-assets2.swf"  preload="true" />
 <library   path="assets/game-assets3.swf"  preload="true" />

I see strange behavior that it does not matter what library you mention here game-assets1,game-assets2 or game-assets3 , classes will load even if it’s not in that swf.
For example this is ideal right way, obviously all classes will load:

mc1= Assets.getMovieClip('game-assets1:Class1');
mc2= Assets.getMovieClip('game-assets2:Class2');
mc3= Assets.getMovieClip('game-assets3:Class3');

but classes ( Class1, Class2, Class3 ) will still load fine even if you do:

mc1= Assets.getMovieClip('game-assets1:Class1');
mc2= Assets.getMovieClip('game-assets1:Class2');
mc3= Assets.getMovieClip('game-assets1:Class3');


mc1= Assets.getMovieClip('game-assets2:Class1');
mc2= Assets.getMovieClip('game-assets2:Class2');
mc3= Assets.getMovieClip('game-assets2:Class3');


mc1= Assets.getMovieClip('game-assets3:Class1');
mc2= Assets.getMovieClip('game-assets3:Class2');
mc3= Assets.getMovieClip('game-assets3:Class3');

Is it normal ?

The classes are being generated at compile-time based on the SWF classes in each file. If both your SWF files have the same names as each other then the generated class file will match only one of your SWF assets. There is a “prefix” option on the <library /> tag that can append a prefix to avoid name collisions so it could be Assets1_Class1, Assets1_Class1, etc