A slightly modified version of the OpenFL Timer

I am creating a slightly modified version of the OpenFL Timer found in openfl.utils since it works well and I use it a lot for Windows and Neko targets. However, when reading the code of this file, I realised that the functions it uses are using the haxe.Timer class using the constructor which according to the Haxe API is not available on C++ or Neko targets, so how is OpenFL doing this without compile errors? Is OpenFL magic or am I just missing something obvious?

Here is my modified version:

class Timer {

    public var currentCount (default, null):Int;
    public var delay (get, set):Float;
    public var repeatCount (default, set):Int;
    public var running (default, null):Bool;

    private var __delay:Float;
    private var __timer:HaxeTimer;
    private var __timerID:Int;
    private var __f:Void -> Void;

    public function new (delay:Float, f:Void -> Void, repeatCount:Int = 0):Void {
        if (Math.isNaN (delay) || delay < 0) {
            throw new Error ("The delay specified is negative or not a finite number");
        __delay = delay;
        this.repeatCount = repeatCount;
        __f = f;
        running = false;
        currentCount = 0;

    public function reset ():Void {
        if (running) {
            stop ();
        currentCount = 0;

    public function start ():Void {
        if (!running) {
            running = true;

    public function stop ():Void {
        running = false;
        if (__timer != null) {
            __timer.stop ();
            __timer = null;

    // Getters & Setters

    private function get_delay ():Float {
        return __delay;

    private function set_delay (value:Float):Float {
        __delay = value;
        if (running) {
            stop ();
            start ();
        return __delay;

    private function set_repeatCount (v:Int):Int {
        if (running && v != 0 && v <= currentCount) {
            stop ();
        repeatCount = v;
        return v;

    private function timer_onTimer ():Void {
        if (repeatCount > 0 && currentCount >= repeatCount)
            stop ();

I did read somewhere that haxe.Timer became redundant on native targets beyond version 2.7 of the Haxe Compiler but can’t remember where, unless I was seeing things.

It turns out, you can override entire classes.
